Configuring Filters on the Web Interface of

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. From your Inbox window click on the Options button on the top menu bar.
  3. The window will change to display the options you can set for your account. Select Filters under the Mail Management section.
  4. The window will change to Filters. Check the filter options that you want in this window, then click on Edit your filter rules.
  5. The window will change to Filters Rules. Define the filter rule that you want in the Rule Definition section, then click on Create.

    EXAMPLE: To filter emails labeled as possible spam, check the Subject: field and enter possible spam in the Text box.

    NOTE: Rules are applied in numerical order. If an email matches more than one filter rule, the lower-numbered rule is applied first. Depending on the action of the first matching rule, the email may not pass through the other filter rules anymore (e.g. it has been moved out of your Inbox).

    You can change the position of a particular rule by selecting it and clicking on either the Move Down or Move Up buttons.

  6. When you are done creating rules, click on the Apply All Rules button to return to your Inbox with the new rules applied.