Lab on Console Input

  1. Write a Java application ( that takes as input: height, width, and print character, and then prints a letter T using those inputs. For example:
    Height:  5 
    Width:  7 
    Character: x
  2. Write a Java application called that uses the following MobilePhone class. The application will create a MobilePhone object and then carry out transactions on that object based on user inputs. The possible transactions are: load, call, text, and get balance. For example:
    Load/Call/Text/Balance/Exit?  l 
    Load Amount:  100 
    Load successful
    Balance is now 100.00
    Load/Call/Text/Balance/Exit?  c 
    Minutes:  3 
    Call made
    Balance is now 80.50
    Load/Call/Text/Balance/Exit?  t 
    Text sent
    Balance is now 79.50
    Load/Call/Text/Balance/Exit?  b 
    Balance is now 79.50
    Load/Call/Text/Balance/Exit?  c 
    Minutes:  1 
    Call made
    Balance is now 73.00
    Load/Call/Text/Balance/Exit?  e 
    Thank you